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Advances in technology have created an abundance of consumer data enabling marketers to create personal connections with their audience. Information is so readily available, that for most organizations it has become the standard for all effective marketing messaging. In today’s marketplace, successful marketing campaigns rely on building relationships through relevant, value-added, consumer experiences. No two consumers are alike; some might have similar preferences, hobbies, and demographics, but truly everyone is an individual. The stats are clear, 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them, and 70% of consumers say direct mail is more personal than online interactions.
Although personalization can and should be utilized in digital channels, direct mail offers some compelling advantages. According to a Canada Post study, direct mail is easier to understand and more memorable than digital media, it requires 21% less cognitive effort to process and it elicits much higher brand recall. The Study also identified that direct mail is visually processed quicker than digital media, getting messages across faster and more effectively, making it the perfect medium to create a personalized experience for your brand.
1:1 Consumer Relationship Development
One-to-one (1:1) marketing is a customer relationship strategy that involves personalized interactions with consumers based on their individual preferences, including consumer behavior, demographics, and economic indicators. Consumer data also provides a deeper understanding of how consumers want to interact with a brand. The more marketers understand about their target audience, the more they can improve the overall consumer experience. Modern software programs can yield dozens of these data points to provide literally thousands of possible variations, creating a truly custom-tailored brand experience. Everything from segmentation, positioning, messaging and even call to action can be modified based on individual data points. According to the Boson Consulting Group, brands that create personalized experiences by integrating advanced technologies and proprietary consumer data see a revenue increase between 6% and 10%. “Consumer data collected by organizations gives marketers a deeper understanding of customer needs, which can create a personal conversation between the marketer and consumer though direct mail. Knowing your consumer as an individual has become critical to brand success.”, says John Leonard, V.P. Sales and Marketing, Cover-All Business Communication Management.
Specialized software programs can also contribute insights into consumer behaviour by analyzing historical brand interactions. A fundraising organization, for example, can improve donation goals by analyzing historical data points and applying calculations to show future values, allowing for the creation customized and relevant content for recipients.
1:1 Campaigns meet Variable Printing
Advanced high-speed digital printers that offer variable imaging have opened a world of possibilities to incorporate consumer data into personalized messages. Variable imaging allows marketers to address audiences as individuals, customizing each printed piece with unique information relevant to each distinct consumer. According to Canada Post, 86% of Canadian consumers open mail that is personally addressed to them. Name recognition helps to draw people’s attention instantly, but with variable imaging marketers can utilize data to create an individual brand experience. “It takes more to impress a consumer than their name, that’s just the price of entry. Consumers want messaging that is relevant to them.”, says Leonard. By combining data programming with variable imaging, messaging in a direct mail campaign can be automated right down to the individual, creating a truly 1:1 experience. Names, text, and graphics can all be personalized to create a highly effective direct mail piece. Marketers now have the option to segment their direct mail programs based on the data points of groups including age, sex, and income to fully customize a marketing piece. The result is clear, messaging that strikes a chord with consumers and improves response rates.
John Leonard is V.P., Sales & Marketing for Cover-All Business Communication Management. He works with his team and clients to develop relevant and effective communications by using data and technology. Contact Cover-All Business Communication Management to find out more at (416) 752-8100.